Group leaders website has some fantastic resources - leader training videos, articles and studies and resources, all of which may be of use to you.
Take your time and have a look around.
40Acts –
A 40-day generosity challenge, typically done during Lent. Sign up on their website (it’s free) for access to resources for small groups, churches, children’s and youth ministries etc.
Andy Stanley
We (Mike & Kimberley) are big fans of Andy Stanley. many of his sermons (typically 35-45 mins) are available free online with discussion questions for groups also provided. Here are some of the series we recommend:
- *Brand: New - 5 sessions
- *Breathing Room - 4 sessions
- *Follow - 8 sessions
- *Starting Point - 8 sessions
- *Who Needs God - 6 sessions
Other messages and discussion questions can be found on his church website here.
You can find shortened versions of some messages on 'Anthology' and 'Your move', many with downloadable group discussion questions.
The Bible Project –
The Bible Project website is a fantastic resource that we recommend you spend some time exploring in order to find out all they have available. Here is a good place to start.
They predominantly produce animated videos around 10 minutes in length on a variety of topics (with new ones being released regularly).
Videos are available on both the Bible Project website, and YouTube.
Some videos also have study notes and/or workbooks. These are available for download from here.
God at Work –
A 12-part ‘Alpha’ series on how to live well at work, led by Ken Costa and Pete Hughes. Videos (15-20mins each) and discussion questions provided. A leaders guide and promotional material are also provided if you need them.
Note it is free to access this material, but you will need to create a sign-in account.
The Prayer Course –
A 6-part ‘Alpha’ study based around The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), led by Pete Greig and Jonny Hughes. Topics covered are:
- * Adoration
- * Petition
- * Intercession
- * Perseverance
- * Listening
- * Spiritual warfare.
Videos (15-20mins) and “cheat sheets” provided, as well as a leader’s video and guide to assist with running the course.
Seedbed –
A huge resource of videos and articles on a massive range of topics, designed to help make better disciples. Some of these resources are accessible to most, while others are more academic.
Browse by topic here, or check out their “Seven Minute Seminary” videos here.
You may also be interested in the top 10 recommended reading lists here.
Note: There are discussion guides to go with the ‘seven-minute seminary’ videos, but we are yet to purchase them. Let us know if these would be of use to you.
Social Justice –
TearFund have a range of resources available on their website for both individual and group use. Some can be downloaded and used straight away, others need to be ordered (but are still free). There are also booklets about global issues and the way that TearFund is working to help those affected (e.g. climate change, natural disasters, war, refugees and displaced people, human trafficking/slavery etc). Studies available are:
- * Good lives project – An experiment in faith
- * Living simply
- * ‘L’ is for lifestyle
- * ‘Discover’ Bible study series
- * Restoring hope
- * No longer slaves – studies on human trafficking
- * Break the cycle
Women in Ministry, Mission & Leadership -
"The Centre for Lifelong Learning is curating this list of resources, many created by Carey people. they are intended to address questions some churches are asking about women in ministry, mission and leadership roles. this topic is of particular interest to New Zealand Baptist churches after the 1976 affirmation of both men and women in ministry, mission and leadership. This list will grow as resources are gathered."
Note: This page does not contain group studies, but has plenty of resources (links to videos, stories, articles etc...) to help support discussion on this topic.
WCBC has a large collection of group studies – both book and DVD/video based. For more information check out the church library, or email for a list of what’s available.
Another option could be to study the resources our church has purchased and/or made available for new Christians and those with questions about Christianity. These can be found either on the shelves in our church foyer, or on our website (Study Guides). Alternatively, your group might to upskill using the ‘evangelism tools’ provided on our website (Evangelism tools).
A reminder that if there are any studies your group would like to do that we do not yet own, please let us know so that we can purchase them for you.
Connect and Grow -
If your group is just starting out, you may like to begin with 'Connect and grow' - 6 parts, spread over 4 weeks, discussion questions are available for download (free).
The Narrative Lectionary –
The Narrative Lectionary is a yearly cycle of readings (developed by Luther Seminary) designed to follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through to the early church. Each year, from September through to May, the Narrative Lectionary provides texts which, although intended to be used for sermons, can also be used to guide small group discussion. The Narrative Lectionary website has commentaries and podcasts about upcoming week’s readings to help you prepare your studies. There are also a number of online communities which provide resources, including a fantastic Facebook group
The Bible Project Reading Plan –
The Bible Project (which is also discussed above under Short Term Studies) has a reading plan designed to let people read the Bible in a year. You can access the plan here or download the app here. The reading plan enables groups to cover all (or sections) of the Bible over the longer term.
Study particular books of the Bible using resources such as:
- * New Testament for Everyone NT Wright series (study guides)
- * Commentaries available in the church library
- * The Bible Project website (see above)
You may like to consider using an anagram such as SPLAT to either run or your group, or help those in your group learn to study the Bible in their own time. The idea is that you would read a portion of scripture and then apply the following questions:
Group | Solo |
SHARE – share life with each other
PRAY – spend time talking to God LEARN – the truths found in God’s word APPLY – discuss how these truths impact our lives TELL – These new truths to the people you meet |
What STOOD OUT to you?
What PUZZLES you? What did you LEARN about God and people from this passage? How might this be APPLIED in your life? What will you now TALK to God about? |
The Swedish Method
Another method of self-guided discovery for your group could be the Swedish Method. Read a passage of scripture and then ask each group member to identify the following 3 things within the text:
- * A lightbulb – something that stands out for them in the passage
- * A question mark – something they do not understand, and/or would like to ask the author or God about.
- * An arrow – how they will personally apply what they have learned from this text.
Groups Resources
Members of Northland churches are also welcome to borrow any of the groups resources WCBC currently own.
For a comprehensive list or if there are any other ways that we can support you or your groups please email